This town is becoming like a ghost town...

I have always had a natural pull to things supernatural and obscure, in the city where I live we are lucky to still have old building from when it was "founded" , the houses and sites have been modified somewhat (which really gets to me) but I visit them all the same. In Cape Town, there are a few houses in the city that house parliament officials or people of status, so one cant really go inside and view the areas, you have to kind of look from distance. I love observing these places for aslong as I can before security guards or policemen ask me to leave. The feelings are always the same, the feeling that something monumental occured there. I have been lucky enough to get a hold of quite a bit of information about these homes, or farms to further my research, I sometimes wish I could just go back in time and be witness to all that happened, just as a fly on the wall. I have a deep desire to know the truth, especially around Cape Town, I believe alot is kept form the people and for what reason? Why would things be concealed from us? Makes me think there is something deeper. I urge you to ask questions...


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