The Ruby Robins are back!!!

So it has been just over a year and The Ruby Robins have been rather quiet, we decided to have a bit of a break when Robin - Lady Violet De Milo was cast as the lead in Phantom of the Opera, (what an incredible achievement) We have all been keeping busy with music in our personal spheres but recently I have been missing the Ruby days and been thinking of all the crazy nights of sassy dancing, cheeky acting and sensational singing... It was something different, it became a divine creature of its own when we were together and I have been longing to be a part of it ever since our last show together. Last week, I received a message form Robin saying she was keen to put the Rubies back together and I honestly couldn't think of a better time to do it... we have all grown so much in this passed year and I feel that we have great ideas to bring to the foreground this time round.

Our unique blend of electronic and barber shop were the brain child of Robin Botha and Antonio Cencherle. with cutesy dialogue and saucy dance moves we turned heads at every performance. We were involved in anything from Theatre shows, The Annual Tattoo Convention, Vaudeville, The Belly dancing festival, Flamjangled, various Burlesque events and were also asked to pitch up at birthday parties and private functions... I know it will be allot of hard work to get everything together once again, but it is indeed a challenge I am ready and waiting for. Here's to another big pot of bourbon, dancing and singing into the still of night and perfect memories with beautiful people.

The Ruby Robins are...

Shannyn Fourie - Mistress Melody Monroe - Mezzo Soprano
Robin Botha - Lady Violet De Milo - Soprano
Natalie Lucia - Dame Lucky Lucia - Mezzo Soprano
Mr A - Producer


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