Love Thy Band

This is a little post to show my appreciation to the incredible musicians I get to work and spend time with. The guys in my band are thoughtful, earth caring, loving, sensitive, funny as all hell and really good guys. I feel lucky to be able to call them my brothers and my best friends, we have been through the craziest things together and continue to make the music we do. We believe in the music, in the craft and in one another. I doubt anyone has seen me the way these guys have, they have seen the best, the worst, the blood sweat and tears and have never asked me to be different, or to change who I am, they are there to celebrate every victory and consol every defeat, for this I am truly lucky.

I am really looking forward to playing our show at Mercury on the 8th June, we have been working crazy hard on the new material and I'm getting butterflies just thinking of the night, the new songs are difficult and mess us up after every time we play them, I just know that on gig night that will be amplified. Cant wait to sweat and scream... getting SO AMPED!


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