Live Videos, to post or not...

It has been a while since I have actually written something here. I love what we do as musicians but it can be really tough I feel, and a part of me thinks that being the singer could be even more tough or demanding as you are dependent on the health and shape of your body, you are completely at the mercy of the cold and falling ill.

Recently we filmed a rare acoustic performance at Mercury Live. There was so much effort that went into making the night what it was, we rearranged the songs entirely, we set up the stage with ivy, vines, candles and jars, lanterns and fairy lights. The guys wore suits, I even wore a dress!! The night was beautiful and gave us a more theatrical and moody feeling. I was recovering from being quite ill and I found myself struggling in parts, trying to fight and cut through the phlegm. Last week we received two songs back from that night, La Sirena and Break the Cycle. I must have watched and analysed these videos a hundred times over. I was a little upset with myself as there are parts in the songs where you can hear me struggling with the phlegm. I felt it was a bad reflection on me as a performer, I always try to be the best that I can be, and sometimes outside influences affect you and you cannot control the way your body may behave on the day of performance. I felt so shit about it, that I almost didn't want to put the videos up to promote an upcoming acoustic show at &Union on the 19th Oct, but I know that I did well. It may not have been a crystal clear or pristine performance but one with a little bit of gruffness here and there. The thing is, that is the way I sounded that night, I have always aimed to be a sincere musician and I am not a machine. These videos are probably the closest thing I have to baring my soul and I must remind myself to not let what others think affect me or prevent me from wanting to share my art with the world.


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